Anna Tombazzi
  • Chemical Engineering/BioChemistry
  • Class of 2018
  • Akron, OH

Anna Tombazzi receives the Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities Award.

2016 May 3

Held annually, The University of Akron LIFE (legacy, integrity, fellowship, excellence) Awards honors students, faculty, and campus organizations that have demonstrated the LIFE values.

At this year's event, Anna Tombazzi of Hinckley,OH, won the Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities Award. The Who's Who Award is presented annually to students who demonstrate leadership potential. The award is based on academic success, campus involvement, volunteer work and community service. Applicants must have a minimum accumulative grade point average of 2.90, currently be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours, and be active in any co-curricular involvement at The University of Akron.

Congratulations, Anna!

Tombazzi is pursuing the degree Bachelor of ScienceChemistry - Biochemistry.